Founded in 1971 in Lafayette Hill, Replica Handbag Shop has since been recognized as one of the country's style leaders by publications Harper's Bazaar and Lucky Magazine. In 1984 Joan's daughter Ellen joined the business. Together, along with their loyal and creative staff, they have continued to share the Chemistry of Fashion.

The store relocated to Center City in 1999 and is currently located at 1811 Chestnut Street. More than just a meticulously curated fashion boutique, for 50 years, they have provided exceptional service, exclusive designer events, and most importantly, a space for the fashion community to play, discuss, explore, and discover new designers and innovations in the industry. Their attentive stylists provide exceptional service with a wealth of fashion knowledge, creating a uniquely intimate Shepp shopping experience.

In 2019, Replica Handbag Shop introduced a new concept store, Replica Handbag Shop Home, to enhance your space with unparalleled decor. The shop features unique and fun pieces from Italian designer Seletti, dreamy interior accessories, and bedding from Kevin O'Brien Studio, local art, and beautiful furniture by Jimmy DeLaurentis. Replica Handbag Shop Home is a fully immersive experience where home decor takes on a whole new level. 


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